Author Topic: SOLVED Report admin Skyline  (Read 5163 times)

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Offline Vicenzo Morreti

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SOLVED Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #20 on: 03 August 2017, 13:08:21 »
Kiddo, I called you a retard because you said "cuz u yourself are an insult". You just think about what stuntman would do to you. Maybe not mute you, but I know he would kick you too. The fact I muted you, it's because you exceeded my patience limit

From what mostly I understand here with the poor google translate you're a very arrogant person and you do this things to all the players. Idk why didn't get demoted. Probably they didn't have the courage to report.

If that's your patience limit idk what to say man, you are a very disturbed man. And I don't think your name is stuntman or you are a co-owner or even owner to have the autorithy to do this such things. Someone tell me if he is. But I can't in a world imagine that you are.

Again the fact you still call me a kiddo shows what a arrogant person you are. Arrogant admins get to do this kind of things eventualt. You don't deserve it.

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #21 on: 03 August 2017, 14:03:48 »
From what mostly I understand here with the poor google translate you're a very arrogant person and you do this things to all the players. Idk why didn't get demoted. Probably they didn't have the courage to report.

If that's your patience limit idk what to say man, you are a very disturbed man. And I don't think your name is stuntman or you are a co-owner or even owner to have the autorithy to do this such things. Someone tell me if he is. But I can't in a world imagine that you are.

Again the fact you still call me a kiddo shows what a arrogant person you are. Arrogant admins get to do this kind of things eventualt. You don't deserve it.

In this case I shouldn't be an admin anymore, if that,'s your wish, maybe stuntman will grant it

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #22 on: 03 August 2017, 14:29:22 »
Zeci de reply-uri nu cred ca ajuta cu nimic . Decizia este a lui stunt , va certati degeaba pe forum .
Btw. Imi recunosc si eu vina din ss-urile puse de Parfumat . :D
« Last Edit: 03 August 2017, 14:32:19 by Loading.. »

Offline SkyLine.

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #23 on: 03 August 2017, 14:51:07 »
Zeci de reply-uri nu cred ca ajuta cu nimic . Decizia este a lui stunt , va certati degeaba pe forum .
Btw. Imi recunosc si eu vina din ss-urile puse de Parfumat . :D

Se cearta in speranta ca il vor influenta pe stunt mai bine, ca oricine altcineva.. Eu nu mai zic nimic, astept cu nerabdare raspunsul lui

Offline $arpe

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #24 on: 03 August 2017, 15:12:45 »
Damn, de acord cu stradivarius ,cam mereu iti permiti de 10x cat stuntman .

Offline MeNdi

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #25 on: 03 August 2017, 16:06:50 »
Cred ca ati luat-o toti razna sincer. Daca nu era Sky pe serverul asta cand stunt a fost INACTIV, era dus pe rapa de tot. Acum ca va vedeti cu rank mare si cu playeri mai multi, va dati drept cocosi?
Ma rog, cred ca s-a stricat staff-ul asta de tot. Ceea ce ma enerveaza mai mult pe mine este faptul ca unii is doneaza si rinichii si dupa au ei ce comenta. Nu este logic, daca un player este mult mai vechi de cat tine si sa straduit pentru un server sa-l mentina, e mai bine sa-ti tii parerea in tine.
Parfum, acum sincer, nu stiu ce sa mai spun despre tine :)) , ma rog, crezi ca pentru un /setallcolor o sa primeasa demote sau rank down? De cand sunt pe server am inceput sa-l cunosc pe Sky, incep sa-i cunosc caracterul, si caracterul lui influentiaza in situatii de genul, nu are rabdare. Sincer, daca un player injura un admin si isi ia kick, crezi ca moare?
Acum veniti toti cu hateul pe Sky ca tot romanul :-j. Am stat si am citit toate reply-urile si am orbit de la atata hate.
:contra: la reclamatie, oricum Stunt decide totul.

Offline $arpe

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #26 on: 03 August 2017, 16:12:11 »
bai mendii vorbesti prostii cu skyline sau fara skyline serveru merge la fel de bine ,stai mai mult pe server sii urmareste nu vorbii aiureli frate ,te rog eu frumos ,ca nu e ok ce spui ,toata lumea are dreptu la o parere + de asta nu e vorba doar de setcolor ,ce reclamatie urmaresti tu de fapt ? Sii cum sa spui sa isi tina toti parerile in ei ,cand el face pe dictatoru sii greseste frate ,ca el sii face abuzuri,dar lui nu poate sa ii spuna nimeni nimic decat stuntman asa a spus ,atunci care e treaba ? e imun la reclamatii sau cum ? stai acolo linistit ,nu prea ai stat pe server sa urmaresti ,vorbesti prostii
« Last Edit: 03 August 2017, 16:15:51 by $arpe »

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #27 on: 03 August 2017, 16:12:29 »
Cred ca ati luat-o toti razna sincer. Daca nu era Sky pe serverul asta cand stunt a fost INACTIV, era dus pe rapa de tot. Acum ca va vedeti cu rank mare si cu playeri mai multi, va dati drept cocosi?
Ma rog, cred ca s-a stricat staff-ul asta de tot. Ceea ce ma enerveaza mai mult pe mine este faptul ca unii is doneaza si rinichii si dupa au ei ce comenta. Nu este logic, daca un player este mult mai vechi de cat tine si sa straduit pentru un server sa-l mentina, e mai bine sa-ti tii parerea in tine.
Parfum, acum sincer, nu stiu ce sa mai spun despre tine :)) , ma rog, crezi ca pentru un /setallcolor o sa primeasa demote sau rank down? De cand sunt pe server am inceput sa-l cunosc pe Sky, incep sa-i cunosc caracterul, si caracterul lui influentiaza in situatii de genul, nu are rabdare. Sincer, daca un player injura un admin si isi ia kick, crezi ca moare?
Acum veniti toti cu hateul pe Sky ca tot romanul :-j. Am stat si am citit toate reply-urile si am orbit de la atata hate.
:contra: la reclamatie, oricum Stunt decide totul.

Nu are rost sa comentezi pentru ca nu stii situatia si in cazul asta e un abuz destul de maricel ,  iti zic eu ca (stradivarius ) are experienta mult mai multa ca tine si il cunoastea mai bine pe sky decat il cunosti tu, pe langa faptul ca sky a mai fost o data banat , Sv-ul nu s-a dus de "rapa" asa cum zici tu.
Si nici nu ai fost on macar cand s-a produs acest abuz . Asteptam decizia lui dev
« Last Edit: 03 August 2017, 16:13:07 by ParFumat »

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #28 on: 03 August 2017, 16:19:19 »
Mendi, chiar daca sky a facut asta, cum isi permite sa ii dea 3 kick-uri si un mute de 30 minute? Sincer, e un abuz, si ce ai spus tu, sunt niste aberatii.

Offline MeNdi

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #29 on: 03 August 2017, 16:21:09 »
Fiecare are parerea lui ;) Oricum, asteptati raspunsul lui dev

Offline STRADI

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #30 on: 03 August 2017, 16:30:50 »
Cred ca ati luat-o toti razna sincer. Daca nu era Sky pe serverul asta cand stunt a fost INACTIV, era dus pe rapa de tot. Acum ca va vedeti cu rank mare si cu playeri mai multi, va dati drept cocosi?
Ma rog, cred ca s-a stricat staff-ul asta de tot. Ceea ce ma enerveaza mai mult pe mine este faptul ca unii is doneaza si rinichii si dupa au ei ce comenta. Nu este logic, daca un player este mult mai vechi de cat tine si sa straduit pentru un server sa-l mentina, e mai bine sa-ti tii parerea in tine.
Parfum, acum sincer, nu stiu ce sa mai spun despre tine :)) , ma rog, crezi ca pentru un /setallcolor o sa primeasa demote sau rank down? De cand sunt pe server am inceput sa-l cunosc pe Sky, incep sa-i cunosc caracterul, si caracterul lui influentiaza in situatii de genul, nu are rabdare. Sincer, daca un player injura un admin si isi ia kick, crezi ca moare?
Acum veniti toti cu hateul pe Sky ca tot romanul :-j. Am stat si am citit toate reply-urile si am orbit de la atata hate.
:contra: la reclamatie, oricum Stunt decide totul.

Cred ca tu ai luat-o razna, ti se pare ca aceasta comunitate are tema comunista?

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Re: Report admin Skyline
« Reply #31 on: 03 August 2017, 17:03:31 »
STOP SPAMMING ON REPORTS GUYS !!! YOU AREN'T HELPING AT ALL ! If you have something to say, just make a really extended reply with all you have to say. Also, learn some english. The guy who made the report isn't romanian.

<SkyLine>: Vicenzo: 1. Find the gang's entry point
<Vicenzo> Entry point? It's like a vagina or something?
<SkyLine>: Vicenzo: 2. A Loyal /  Co-Leader / Leader needs to invite you
<Vicenzo>: I need to enter through some hole?
<Vicenzo>: Oh, such posibilites

<Vicenzo>: No, i was meaning that i made you skyline
<Vicenzo>: Is an insult
<SkyLine>: What insult is "skyline", wtf?
<Vicenzo>: Cuz u yourself are an insult

These made me laugh. Pretty smart ! Someone give SkyLine a bucket of water, he got a huge 3rd degree burn !

Kiddo, you don't have any respect for the staff, at all
Kiddo, I told you lots of times: players need to respect each other and be able to talk without any fight or insult. You aren't a "god":

Dupa cum a zis si dev , "adminii nu sunt mari zei "

Btw, chestiile cu '/setallcolor' le mai faceam si eu, dar nu prea des. Nu este neaparat o problema asta, uneori este amuzant.

Iar acum 2 zile vorbeam cu ( coast ) in PM si i-am dat un mesaj : "Sky cum vede o fata pe server , sare direct pe ia " iar sky pentru ca a vazut pm-ul imi da repede kick cu reason-ul " Da , chiar sar "
Exact ! Asta ii tot zic si eu ! Problema este ca mai este cineva exact ca el pe acest "domeniu": Coast. Astia doi cum vad o fata pe server, cum se arunca pe ea. Imi vine sa le dau ban pana se lasa acea "fata" de server. :)) Poate ii calmez.

2nd. You can't make someone retard just because he said you're an insult. This is far more serious then being an "insult". Did you met retard people, is not nice to call someone like this. I played one alot of servers and none of them administrators insult me in any way whatever I would have done.

3rd. Yes, I think I can make you a bastard after you kicked me, muted me and make me a retard AND a kiddo just for saying you're an insult.

4th.I think the owner is not such an asshole like you are to just do all of these things just because i said to him that he is a "skyline" or that he's an insult. He wouldn't made such a good server if he would've been a kid like you and get upset by every tiny thing. He would've achieve: nothing. Like you.
2. Well, on other servers they don't actually care about players, but some of the administrators here are kiddish, I have to admit.
3. You've got a point here.
4. You make me blush. I actually can take smart things, unlike other administrators. But eventually you can cross the line with me too. Few administrators just think that they should be some kind of supernatural thing (SkyLine the most, he always says: "RESPECT THE STAFF !!!!!!!", with this idea in mind you could swear regular players countless times and receive nothing but a warn I guess, lol).

Salut, nu sunt eu admin sau ceva, stiu ca ai zis ca adminii sa dea reply, dar si eu de cand joc pe acest server am intalnit nenumarate abuzuri cat si de la SkyLine, cat si de la alti admini, o zi buna.

Da, pai, nu esti chiar cel mai cuminte de pe server. Chiar ai fost banat permanent la un moment dat. Cu comportamentul tau aiurea mereu esti la limita unui ban.

Nimeni nu e zeu pe aici, ma rog, salut Stunt;
:)) Eu sunt doar reprezentatul oficial al serverului, ii servesc interesele. :))

Te-a facut o insulta, lol....CUM SA DAI MA MUTE, 3 kick-uri si sa-l faci retard ca te-a facut o insulta :))))))))))))) Esti bolnav rau. Ce sa zic, ai merita demote si unu dela grav pentru ca nu este prima forma de abuz pe care o faci.

Pe de alta parte te inteleg frate. Este foarte usor sa te frustreze ce fac unii player, dar nu te poti razbuna in halul asta orice ti-ar face.N-ai sa vezi pe niciun server mare cu 200 de playeri plus ca vor face adminii asa ceva sau ca injura playeri, cum a zis si vicenzo. Deaia ramanem tot pe 25-30 de playeri. Pentru "nimicuri" ca astea.
Exact... nu cumva sa-l jigniti pe regele/zeul SkyLine, ca se frustreaza si face tot ce poate sa va dea kick, warn, mute, etc. .

Da, si asta este adevarat, unii jucatori sunt exasperanti, dar in cazul asta tipul mi s-a parut destul de amuzant cu ce spunea. :)) Nu e tipul ala obisnuit de jucator cretin care nu stie decat sa injure fara motiv.

LoL, thank you for making me retarded once again. Indeed I may insulted you by asking you "Do you know how I met your mother last night?" (And that was all i said about his family) but if you can't take a joke just stay in yout corner and cry don't come to me asking for more. After all you did have fun with me, kenton and mile even after :))) You're very sensitive, like skyline(said sensitive to not make youa total bitch,lol).

And after all this is not what i did yesterday (now actually the day before yesterday)and is not about you. This is about an admin that: kicked me 2 or 3 times, muted me 30min, made me retard and a "kid" multiple times just because made him a "skyline" as an insult, lol. Do I need to explain to everyone? Just read the report next time, don't made me repeat. Or can't you understand logic? Is too hard for you?

And sorry for offending you. You seem a nice guy, but again I was just joking man, you could've said something smart, but I guess making jokes is not for everyone.

Lmao. Yeah, they are too sensitive (total bitches) sometimes.

Well, with SkyLine's thinking, he can swear and insult you because you are not an admin/god !!! You regular player, you deserve no respect ! Now give me some water, you regular player, I can't even look in your eyes ! xD

Yeah, jokes aren't for everyone... sometimes I get really mad because they don't know how to joke. Lol. Saying something smart is already miles away. I wish they could only detect smarter jokes, or at least sarcasm (I do this. A lot. They sometimes don't get it.)

Nu stiu ce sa zic,deoarece SkyLine imi este prieten.Dar.........acesta chiar este abuz prin faptul ca ti-a zis ca esti o insulta sa ii dai mute 30 minute, 3 kick-uri si sa-l insulti.Lol si prin reply-ul ce Parfumat la dat se vede cand zici ceva gen "Daca ar fi vazut stunt mi-ar fi dat demote"(la abuzul cu setallcolor) Asa cum au spus mai multi,seara,cand vii de la munca relaxeaza-te.Nu iti descarca nervii pe samp. Sper sa nu te superi,dar chiar e ciudat. Nu e prima oara cand faci abuz!   :pro: reclamatiei.
Da... este enorm de mult ce i-a facut. Aia cu '/setallcolor' nu e o problema ! Si da, daca veniti pe server nervosi si vreti doar sa va descarcati nervii, mai bine duceti-va afara si luati vreo 200 de guri de aer.

Faza cu "daca ar vedea stuntman asta mi-ar da demote" cred ca a fost in gluma dark...stuntman nu e asa de stupid sa-ti dea demote pentru ca ai setat o culoare la playeri :))) tu gandesti?

Pe de alta parte pentru ce a facut lui vicenzo merita. Adica daca sarpe a luat ban doar pentru ca si-a dat unjail sky ce crezi ca ar merita pentru tot ce i-a facut lui vicenzo doar ca la facut "skyline" ca "insulta" :))) (e prea funny faza) si ca l-a facut bastard, iti dai seama ce a zis ca sa primeasca 30 min mute, 3 kick-uri si sa-l faca retard de nu stiu cate ori...cred ca e cel mai absurd lucru pe care a putut sa-l faca sky de cand e admin :)))
Da, si eu cred ca glumea. E banal. (desi vad ca se fac o groaza de reporturi banale, deci ce e la mine banal aparent la ei este o problema majora, in legatura cu administrarea serverului)

Da, a fost funny aia, si destul de inteligent. :))) Pff, nu il subestima, e in stare de mult mai multe lucruri absurde, atat el cat si ceilalti administratori (majoritatea).

Zeci de reply-uri nu cred ca ajuta cu nimic . Decizia este a lui stunt , va certati degeaba pe forum .
Btw. Imi recunosc si eu vina din ss-urile puse de Parfumat . :D
De cand am inceput sa scriu reply-ul asta deja s-au facut vreo 5 reply-uri noi... Si nu, nu ma ajuta deloc, ai dreptate.

Damn, de acord cu stradivarius ,cam mereu iti permiti de 10x cat stuntman .
Nu... daca si-ar permite de 10 ori mai multe ar fi chiar grav. :)) Dar de data asta chiar a exagerat. Kick-uri si mute de 30 de minute e prea mult.

Daca nu era Sky pe serverul asta cand stunt a fost INACTIV, era dus pe rapa de tot.
Da. A ajutat mult cu timpul, dar asta au facut-o si multi alti administratori. Avantajul lui SkyLine este ca se dedica foarte mult, tine legatura cu mine si ma intreaba despre diverse situatii. (asta in timpul in care nu se crede zeu)

Sincer, daca un player injura un admin si isi ia kick, crezi ca moare?
De ce ar trebui sa fie diferenta intre a injura un jucator simplu si a injura un administrator ?? Trebuiesc date exact aceleasi pedepse ! De ce sa pice mai prost un jucator simplu, doar pentru ca nu se poate apara singur ? Ia uite ce se intampla cand un administrator se "apara" singur cand probabil are nervi si nu stie sa ia niste roast-uri. :)) Faza asta a fost pur si simplu epica:
<Vicenzo>: No, i was meaning that i made you skyline
<Vicenzo>: Is an insult
<SkyLine>: What insult is "skyline", wtf?
<Vicenzo>: Cuz u yourself are an insult
Daca mi-ar fi zis mie asa ceva probabil i-as fi dat un punct de reputatie. :)) Ador glumele inteligente.

ti se pare ca aceasta comunitate are tema comunista?
Asa este, noi nu suntem o comunitate comunista... tovarasul Stradivarius are dreptate. (#vatzprins ?)

I'm sorry Vicenzo because I replied mostly in romanian, but they used romanian too, lol (GUYS, AGAIN: LEARN ENGLISH !!!). I hope Google Translate does its job for you.

Ok, so my point was proved yet again: SkyLine really thinks that he is a "god" as an administrator and he needs to ban/kick/mute/warn/slap (and any other BDSM sexual punishment he can think about) any REGULAR PLAYER PEASANT that has the retarded to swear or insult his majesty !

I think it's the time to get the god/majesty out of the heaven, so he can ACTUALLY REMEMBER THIS TIME that players that swear other regular players AND EVEN ADMINISTRATORS should receive exactly the same punishment ! Why swearing a regular player would give him only one warn, while swearing an administrator would give him kicks, warns and huge mutes ? I told you a lot of times to don't behave like that. Every insult/swear is equal to one warn, unless they exaggerate. Vicenzo didn't exaggerate too much (he did a little. @Vicenzo: if you see that someone can't take some jokes, just stop talking with them, it's not worth creating huge fights). Vicenzo got a lot of mostly undeserved punishment from all of this big crap. SkyLine, god, please accept my excuses, I know that you are an administrator and you are really powerful and supernatural, but I have to demote you 2 levels finally because you always think that you should punish players a lot more for swearing you than swearing regular administrators. Everyone should receive the same punishment for every case. If exaggerating, they can indeed be temporarily banned or kicked or muted more. This was clearly not the case.

Thanks for your report, this is the clear proof that he gives bigger punishments when it isn't necessary, if the "victim" is one of those highly powerful with all kinds of special powers administrators !

SkyLine: -2 administrator levels. I'm sorry, "god", for touching your unthinkable administrator power !

When he will finally understand to apply the same punishments for swearing regular players as for swearing administrators, he may get his ranks back, he actually helped the server pretty much with his administration and donations. But yeah, his big negative point is being a kid. This negative point was proven again.

Sorry if I made any grammar mistakes or other mistakes, I won't double check this huge post with lots of quotes from all these spammy posts.




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