Author Topic:  [TH]Regulament / Rules  (Read 1201 times)

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Offline STRADI

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[TH]Regulament / Rules
« on: 14 June 2016, 17:49:38 »

Nu fugiti din DM/lupta cu viata putina pentru a nu murii.Se numeste "combat run" si este interzis, iar pedeapsa este [/jail] de catre admini.
Nu va injurati intre voi sau aliatii.
Respectati si ascultati ordinele Liderului cat si membrii cu rank mai mare decat voi.
Nu luati masinile din gang pentru a va plimba cu ele, acestea au rolul de a proteja baza. Odata furate toate masinile din gang, baza poate fi capturata.
Daca cineva din gang sau din gang-ul aliat va insulta sau nu respecta regulile faceti screenshot (F8) si faceti-i o reclamatie pe forum.
Nu trageti prin peretii gang-ului cu sniper. Este interzis si puteti lua [/jail] de la admini.

Membrii pot fi sanctionati pentru nerespectarea regulilor de mai sus cu demote -1, -2 rank-uri sau /gkick dupa caz.


Don't run from DM/Combat with low life to not get killed.It's forbidden and you can [/jail]ed for this thing by the admins!!!
Don't swear each other or the members of the ally gang.
Respect and obey the leader and also the members with bigger rank than yours.
Don't take the gang cars. They serve the gang, once stolen the base can be captured by other gangs.
If a member from gang or ally gang insults/swears you or he disobey the rules make a screenshot (F8) and make a complaint on The Hitmen forum.
Don't shoot throgh the gang walls with sniper. It's forbiden and you can get [/jail]ed by admins for it.

The Members can be sanctioned for disobeying this rules with demoting -1 or -2 ranks or /gkick by case.
« Last Edit: 16 August 2017, 19:29:36 by STRADIVARIUS »


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