Skilled Gaming

Servere/Servers => Green Zone Stuntage (SA:MP) => Reports => Topic started by: PinguMEOW on 16 November 2017, 18:25:26

Title: Reclamatie Admin - Paul.
Post by: PinguMEOW on 16 November 2017, 18:25:26
Nick-ul tau: (numele tau in server) _[]Pingu[]_
Adminul reclamat: (numele adminului raportat) Paul.
Ce a facut ?: (spune-ne greseala adminului reclamat) eram in lupta cu [TB]Legend si deodata paul si-a dat tp la mine , dupa 2 secunde mi-a dat god , a luat un minigun si m-a omorat.
Poza: (pune o poza cand a facut ceva gresit)
Title: Re: Reclamatie Admin - Paul.
Post by: snoWEED on 16 November 2017, 18:31:14
Eu am vorbit cu el, zice ca voia sa se joace, o data ce te-a vazut luptandu-te, putea sa astepte sa termini, macar, desi nici asta n-ar fii okay, ti-a dat minigun pe degeaba...puteai sa-l bagi in locker repede..sunt :pro: acestei reclamatii

EDIT: Scuze, credeam ca i-a dat minigun lui pingu, pai..a fost abuz de goto + kill, din cate am inteles, momentan nu stiu cu exactitate ce s-a intamplat, astept sa vad ce zic si ceilalti.
Title: Re: Reclamatie Admin - Paul.
Post by: PinguMEOW on 16 November 2017, 18:34:00
Eu am vorbit cu el, zice ca voia sa se joace, o data ce te-a vazut luptandu-te, putea sa astepte sa termini, macar, desi nici asta n-ar fii okay, ti-a dat minigun pe degeaba...puteai sa-l bagi in locker repede..sunt :pro: acestei reclamatii
Nu mie mi-a dat minigun , el si-a luat ca sa ma omoare.
Title: Re: Reclamatie Admin - Paul.
Post by: SkyLine. on 17 November 2017, 09:28:08
Reclamatie ampulea. Daca iti da GOD nu are cum sa te omoare,  indiferent de arma cu care trage in tine. Daca vrei sa se actioneze impotriva lui, fa o reclamatie CLARA.
In orice caz, daca si-a dat minigun pentru DM, asta e abuz grav.
Title: Re: Reclamatie Admin - Paul.
Post by: DaNi_ on 17 November 2017, 10:27:38
Reclamatie ampulea. Daca iti da GOD nu are cum sa te omoare,  indiferent de arma cu care trage in tine. Daca vrei sa se actioneze impotriva lui, fa o reclamatie CLARA.
In orice caz, daca si-a dat minigun pentru DM, asta e abuz grav.
Thats true.
The thing is that Paul shouldn't have teleported and killed Pingu. He enabled Pingu 'god' but somehow he got killed (maybe started capturing or even have just hit Paul and automatically disabled his 'god' mode).
Well, I consider it myself an abuse just starting the point he has teleported and killed him. Stuntman is able to see each admin used commands so I suggest him to check it and see if he used '/locker' or '/agiveweapon'. Anyway, when I catch him online I will talk to him.
Title: Re: Reclamatie Admin - Paul.
Post by: SkyLine. on 17 November 2017, 11:43:11
Thats true.
The thing is that Paul shouldn't have teleported and killed Pingu. He enabled Pingu 'god' but somehow he got killed (maybe started capturing or even have just hit Paul and automatically disabled his 'god' mode).
Well, I consider it myself an abuse just starting the point he has teleported and killed him. Stuntman is able to see each admin used commands so I suggest him to check it and see if he used '/locker' or '/agiveweapon'. Anyway, when I catch him online I will talk to him.

Another thing here : teleported at his location ! . Meaning : /lv, /ls, /aa, etc... the most used teleports. NOT by using /goto. You can't kill somenone after using /goto.
So, yes, it's a really big abuse using minigun from /agiveweapon in DM, as long as it is NOT a joke between an admin and a player. If Pingu reported him, there's no joke here, it's an abuse
Title: Re: Reclamatie Admin - Paul.
Post by: SkyLine. on 17 November 2017, 22:08:09
Well, dupa ce m-am informat foarte bine si am facut niste teste cu ei, am ajuns la concluzia ca nu are vina foarte mare, a vrut doar sa testeze un bug pe care l-a testat si cu mine acuma. Problema este doar ca nu a fost atent ( cred ) cand Pingu se lupta cu Legend, atata tot. Putin exagerat ca a folosit minigun, dar zice ca a vrut sa testeze. Eu unul....spun ca putem trece peste asta. Oricate greseli face, acum sunt de acord cu el pentru ca am fost de fata la testarea bugului (am testat cu el si Pingu).

Reclamatia se poate considera ca :respins: , pentru ca nu a facut abuz

In orice caz, am vorbit serios cu el si i-am spus ca alta data sa intrebe inainte sa mai faca vreun test cu un jucator.
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