Skilled Gaming

Servere/Servers => Green Zone Stuntage (SA:MP) => Challenges => Topic started by: SkyLine. on 29 July 2017, 22:08:24

Title: Big Event Incoming
Post by: SkyLine. on 29 July 2017, 22:08:24
RO: Dupa cum am vazut, nu prea s-a votat foarte mult acest event, adica la ce minigame va fi. Dar, cu ajutorul lui IstuntmanI, am decis ca acest event sa fie la fallout, din urmatoarele motive :

1. La /wcs sunt laggeri care nu primesc dmg la lovituri => Cam greu sa piarda

2. La /pf sunt mici platformele si se inghesuie jucatorii => Sanse foarte mari sa piarda multi si repede

3. La /paraland multi nu vor sti ce sa faca

4. La /lms jucatorii mai slabi nu au nici o sansa

(Acestea sunt argumentarile lui IstuntmanI si trebuie sa spun ca sunt de-acord ).

Eventul va fi la Fallout (/fo) deoarece acolo este spatiu deschis, platformele toate sunt una langa alta, trebuie doar sa te plimbi ca sa nu cazi (eventual poate nimeresti pe o platforma in cadere :)) ).

Astazi este Sambata, 29.07.2017, ora 22:04. Eventul va avea loc, tot intr-o Sambata pe data de 05.08.2017 intre orele 21:30 si 22:00 (Sa aibe mai multi timp sa intre pe server la ora aia. Undeva intre intervalul ala voi da drumul la event)

Premiul va fi in felul urmator (Idee propusa tot de IstuntmanI) :

Locul I : 7.000.000$

Locul II : 2.000.000$

Locul III : 1.000.000$

As astepta si cate un reply sa vad cine s-ar baga la acest event XDDD

ATENTIE !!! : Si adminii pot lua premiu la acest event !

EN : As I have seen, this event was not voted too much. So, with the help of IstuntmanI, I decided to make this event at fallout, because of the following reasons :

1. At /wcs there are many laggers that loose kind of hard their HP .

2. At /pf the platforms are small, and there are very high chances for players to fall very quick => #BrokenHopesToWinTheEvent

3. At /paraland many of the players won't know what to do there XD

4. At /lms weaker players don't stand a chance against older and experienced players. 

(These are  IstuntmanI's arguments, and I have to say I agree with him. ).

The event will be at Fallout (/fo) because it's an opened space and higher chance to win there. All players have a chance to win (not like /pf).

Today is Saturday, 29.07.2017, time : 22:04. The event will be next Saturday, 05.08.2017 between 21:30 and 22:00 (In order to wait for players to log in the server to join the event XD)

The prize places will be as follows (Suggestion also by IstuntmanI ) :

1st Place : 7.000.000$

2nd Place : 2.000.000$

3rd Place : 1.000.000$

I'm waiting for some replies, though, to see how many players would join this event XDD

ATTENTION !!! : Admins can also allowed at this event to take prize XD
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: IstuntmanI on 29 July 2017, 22:22:14
As I have seen, this event was not voted too much.
Of course, if you removed it after just a couple hours...

I hope there will be some players coming for that event, I'll try to be there. Maybe we can make at least 25 players in the event.

Anyone who sees this, try to tell others too about the date and time.

P.S.: SkyLine, post about this event in our server's Facebook Group Too (linking to this topic).
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: [SG]Kenton on 29 July 2017, 22:27:00

21:30 time Romania and it will finish at 22:00
Maybe I'll be there  *-?
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: SkyLine. on 29 July 2017, 22:39:07
21:30 time Romania and it will finish at 22:00
Maybe I'll be there  *-?

You misunderstood. That is the time interval that the event will be start in. Not the duration of the event XD
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: DaNi_ on 29 July 2017, 23:01:11
I'll try to be there xD However you should also share this event in server, of course..Idk if you already did or not but well... :-)/\:-)
#7kk_in_pocket  #soon :(game)
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: MinioNN. on 30 July 2017, 01:23:31
Eu ma bag :)) doamne ajuta.

mi-se par ok ideile lui stuntman, are dreptate.

Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: snoWEED on 30 July 2017, 02:11:07
Mă bag :)) cu așa premiu :))
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: STRADI on 30 July 2017, 02:23:32
Ai fi putut sa faci ceva mai misto decat un minigame la banii astia. Mai stii cand faceam event-ul ala cu Last Man Standing pe avion? XD Ala era chiar super funny.
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: DarkOne on 30 July 2017, 20:59:32
Ma bag! <3  #Prezent/Winner/Locul1
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: Depяessive_ on 31 July 2017, 10:09:16
    =D>    Ma gasiti acolo.    =D>
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: ScreaM_ on 31 July 2017, 18:01:29
I think Fallout is most fair event  but idk if I will be online still good luck guys
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: 0x1g3n on 01 August 2017, 12:10:24
ma bag :V
Title: Re: Big Event Incoming
Post by: SkyLine. on 05 August 2017, 22:04:01
The event is OVER

Here are our winners :

1stplace : ScreeN . Prize : 7.000.000$
2ndplace : DanielF.. Prize: 2.000.000$
3rdplace : [[LsV.Family]Eris. Prize: 1.000.000$

* Highlight the 3rd winner to see his name. I wrote his name with yellow, 'cause he's in LSV
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